!-Felix Buhot. La petite marine. Little Seascape, a Remembrance of the Medway

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Félix Buhot. 1847-1898.

La petite marine -- Souvenir de Medway. (Little Seascape, a Remembrance of the Medway). 1879. Etching, drypoint, false biting, aquatint and stop-out. Bourcard-Goodfriend 153.vi. 6 1/2 x 8 9/16 (sheet 9 3/8 x 11 1/2). Left-hand platemark strengthened with Japanese mulberry paper. Very fine impression of the completed state on tan Van Gelder laid paper with full margins. Signed with the red owl stamp, signed and annotated 'épreuve d'artist' in pencil. Housed in a 13 x 14 1/2 gold and grey wood frame. $2,000.

In this state, the lines in the sky have been burnished or covered with aquatint, as have both the water and the terrain. Stop out has been used on the water, and in a few spots on the land, to show reflected light.

Sometimes Buhot soaked his sheets in turpentine, an ink-dissolving solvent that gave the printed image a soft, uncanny sense of moisture in the air. Here is a link to Buhot smoking an etching plate:

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