Le Hibou (Pauca Paucis) c.1883. Pencil, ink and watercolor study for the etching, B/G 161.v/v.Image 16 x 10 3/4 (sheet 19 7/8 x 12 1/4). Provenance: The New Gallery, New York c. 1925); a Long Island, New York, estate. Monogrammed, lower right, with the stamp of The New Gallery Housed in an elegant period frame. $7,500
The New Gallery was located at 600 Madison Avenue in Manhattan from 1920-30. According to an review in The New Yorker, in 1925, the gallery director was George S. Hellerman (Hellman?). Exhibition catalogues from 1922-1925. Modern French and American works were exhibited.
Museums holding drawings of Le Hibou.
The National Gallery of Art.
The Minneapolis Institute of Art.
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